5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Document-Based Question (^) ‹ 41
demonstrate. So it is worth remembering that, in their most basic forms, the historical
thinking skills are reasoning chronologically, contextualizing, and arguing from evidence.
Accordingly, you can look at the essay you have constructed and ask yourself if you have
done all three of those things. If you have constructed a good thesis, created a good argu-
ment, and supported the argument with evidence, you will have automatically demon-
strated the three categories of historical thinking.

Further Practice for the DBQ

To practice creating an outline and writing a response to a DBQ question, you can use the
Practice Tests provided in Step 5 of this book. Give yourself 60 minutes to create your essay
for the DBQ. Then compare your work to the answer and explanation provided. To gain more
practice responding to a DBQ, go to the College Board website (www.collegeboard.org).

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