5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Challenge of the Renaissance (^) ‹ 63
[And] I wish to discuss another matter, which I deem of great importance and therefore
think our Courtier ought by no means to omit: and this is to know how to draw and to have
acquaintance with the very art of painting.... And truly he who does not esteem this art,
seems to me very unreasonable;... [For] the ancients greatly prized both the art and the art-
ists, which thus attained the summit of highest excellence; very sure proof of which may be
found in the antique marble and bronze statues that yet are seen....
Baldassare Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier, 1508–1513

  1. In what way is the passage indicative of the “princely ideal” of the late Renaissance?
    A. It promotes individual achievement.
    B. It is by the author of The Prince.
    C. It describes the manner in which a prince should behave.
    D. It focuses on the value of personal achievement for individual success rather than
    the civic good.
    . 2 How does the passage illustrate the transformation of traditional values into
    Renaissance values?
    A. It stresses the pursuit of excellence.
    B. It extols the virtue of skill in the visual arts rather than the martial arts.
    C. It stresses the changing social status of the artist.
    D. It values grace.

  2. In what way does the passage illustrate the values of Renaissance humanism?
    A. It instructs the individual to pay attention to personal appearance.
    B. It argues that reason should be the measure of all things.
    C. It looks to the ancients for guidance in matters of taste and accomplishment.
    D. It encourages all men to aspire to be Courtiers.

Short Answer

  1. Briefly explain and illustrate the difference between the “civic ideal” in Renaissance
    humanism and the “princely ideal” that supplanted it.

Answers and Explanations

  1. D is correct because the “princely ideal” of the late Renaissance focused on the value of
    achievements, such as grace and nonchalance (sprezzatura) in promoting individual suc-
    cess, rather than the civic good. A is incorrect because it is too general; all Renaissance
    ideals promoted individual achievement. B is incorrect because Machiavelli is the author
    of The Prince, not Castiglione. C is incorrect because The Courtier offers advice to all
    would-be gentlemen, not just princes.

  2. B is correct because, during the Renaissance, skill in the visual arts was more highly
    valued than skill in the martial arts. A and D are incorrect because individual achieve-
    ment and grace were valued in both traditional and Renaissance culture. C is incorrect
    because the passage makes no reference to the social status of artists.

  3. C is correct because Renaissance humanism looked backward to the accomplishments of
    ancient Greece and Rome for guidance and inspiration. A is incorrect because attention
    to personal appearance was not unique to Renaissance humanism. B is incorrect because
    neither Renaissance humanism nor the passage argued that reason should be the meas-
    ure of all things. D is incorrect because neither Renaissance humanism nor the passage
    encouraged all men to be Courtiers.


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