5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^72) › STEP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

  1. Calvin believed that the fact that some souls are predestined to eternal condemnation
    resulted from which of the following?
    A. Sins committed by those souls on Earth.
    B. Sins committed in a previous life.
    C. It is not open to human understanding.
    D. It is open to interpretation.

  2. Calvin asserted that finding a “calling” led to which of the following?
    A. Finding a “calling” or vocation earns one salvation.
    B. Finding a “calling” or vocation is evidence that one is predestined to salvation.
    C. Finding a “calling” or vocation can save the previously damned.
    D. Finding a “calling” or vocation offers consolation to the damned.

Short Answer

  1. Briefly explain TWO ways in which Protestant theology differed from Catholic
    theology and ONE way in which Lutheran theology differed from Calvinist theology.

Answers and Explanations

  1. A is correct because the passage clearly states that, where salvation is concerned, God
    “gives to some what He refuses to others.” B is incorrect because the passage does offer
    an explanation of salvation and how it comes to some. C is incorrect because, in the
    passage, the word “election” refers to God’s choosing to elect (or predestine) some souls
    for salvation. D is incorrect because the passage does not say that all Protestants are
    saved or that non-Protestants are damned.

  2. C is correct because the passage asserts that the condemnation of some souls is due to
    God’s “just” but “incomprehensible” judgment. A is incorrect because the passage states
    that salvation or condemnation is “totally irrespective of human merit.” B is incorrect
    because the passage makes no mention of previous lives. D is incorrect because the
    passage states that God’s judgment is incomprehensible, not open to interpretation.

  3. B is correct because the passage states that Calvin and his followers “consider
    calling as an evidence of election.” A is incorrect because the passage does not say that
    finding a calling earns one salvation. C is incorrect because the passage indicates that
    nothing can save those to whom salvation has been denied. D is incorrect because the
    passage says nothing about consolation for the damned.

  4. Suggested answer:
    Thesis: Protestant theology differed from Catholic theology in its assertion of the doctrine
    of Scripture Alone and in its denial that good works could earn one’s soul salvation. Calvinist
    theology differed from Lutheran theology in its insistence on the doctrine of Predestination.
    Paragraph Outline:
    I. The Protestant doctrine (articulated by Luther) of Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), which
    stated that only scripture provides reliable knowledge of God’s will, contradicted the
    Catholic Church’s assertion that both scripture and the traditions of the Church provide
    reliable knowledge of God’s will.
    II. The Protestant doctrines of Faith Alone (Luther) and Predestination (Calvin) contradict
    the Catholic Church’s assertion that good works can earn one salvation.
    III. Luther’s doctrine of Faith Alone asserts that anyone who has true faith (thereby receiving
    God’s grace) can be saved. Calvin’s doctrine of Predestination asserts that God has predes-
    tined some to salvation and some to damnation; no one not elected by God can achieve
    salvation by developing true faith.

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