The Elements - Periodic Table

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Iodine compounds are important in organic chemistry and very useful in medicine. Iodides, and
thyroxine which contains iodine, are used internally in medicine, and as a solution of KI and iodine in
alcohol is used for external wounds. Potassium iodide finds use in photography. The deep blue color with
starch solution is characteristic of the free element.


Care should be taken in handling and using iodine, as contact with the skin can cause lesions; iodine
vapor is intensely irritating to the eyes and mucus membranes. The maximum allowable concentration of
iodine in air should not exceed 1 mg/m 3 (8-hour time-weighted average - 40-hour).

Sources: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and the American Chemical Society.

Last Updated: 11/19/97, CST Information Services Team

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