The Elements - Periodic Table

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

in dilute acid.

Gadolinium has the highest thermal neutron capture cross-section of any known element (49,000 barns).


Gadolinium yttrium garnets are used in microwave applications and gadolinium compounds are used as

phosphors in color television sets.

The metal has unusual superconductive properties. As little as 1 percent gadolinium improves the
workability and resistance of iron, chromium, and related alloys to high temperatures and oxidation.

Gadolinium ethyl sulfate has extremely low noise characteristics and may find use in duplicating the
performance of amplifiers, such as the maser.

The metal is ferromagnetic. Gadolinium is unique for its high magnetic movement and for its special
Curie temperature (above which ferromagnetism vanishes) lying just at room temperature. This suggests
applications as a magnetic component that can sense hot and cold.


Previous to 1993, the price of the metal was $485/kg.

Sources: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and the American Chemical Society.

Last Updated: 12/19/97, CST Information Services Team

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