Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Future directions: Ecology or technology? 207

15 · 4


Nonacademic vocabulary Fill in the part of speech for each of the nonacademic
wordsbelow, then indicate which of the words best conveys the meaning of the
underlined word or phrase in each sentence that follows. Be sure to use the correct
form of each verb and noun and to change an adjective to an adverb, if necessary.

dire disseminate exponential forefront
imminent increment inlate provoke
trajectory urgent

  1. The crime scene investigators traced the bullet’s path to ind the location from which
    it had been ired.

  2. If you invest your money in a certiicate that pays compound interest, it will increase
    more and more rapidly.

  3. I’m sorry to interrupt the meeting, but I’ve just received a(n) requiring immediate action
    message from the hospital.

  4. During tornado season, meteorologists try to warn people of fast-approaching natural

  5. Urban slum dwellers live under seriously grim conditions, without clean water or proper

  6. Bullies always try to set in motion ights.

  7. You can use a pump to ill with air the air mattress.

  8. MIT has a reputation of being at the foremost position of technological research.

  9. Over the next ive years, the workers will receive a pay raise in regular increases of 1.

  10. Nowadays, viral marketers use the Internet and social networking to spread very quickly
    information about a speciic product.

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