Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Future directions: Ecology or technology? 209

15 · 6


Reading for details For each of the following sentences, choose the correct answer
to ill in the blank.

  1. The Limits to Growth was written by.
    a. Alex Colville
    b. Herman Daly
    c. Donella Meadows, Jørgen Randers, Dennis Meadows, and William W. Behrens III

  2. The conclusions set down in The Limits to Growth were conirmed by.
    a. the Club of Rome
    b. the Australian Commonwealth Scientiic and Industrial Research Organization
    c. the Brundtland Commission

  3. In 2000, humanity had already overshot the planet’s carrying capacity by
    a. 2 percent
    b. 12 percent
    c. 20 percent

  4. World3 is a.
    a. computer model
    b. book
    c. painting

  5. The Limits to Growth presented diferent scenarios for the future of
    the planet.
    a. 12
    b. 10
    c. 3

  6. Overshoot is caused by.
    a. pollution
    b. exponential growth
    c. political indecision

Indicate which of the following statements are true (T ) and which are false (F).

  1. The Limits to Growth predicted global collapse by the end of the twentieth century.

  2. The Limits to Growth was published out of humanitarian concerns.

  3. Sustainable growth means zero growth and economic stagnation.

  4. Politicians and industrialists embraced the indings of The Limits to Growth.

  5. The Limits to Growth suggested that it was possible for humanity to avoid collapse.

  6. The Limits to Growth has been updated twice.

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