Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

218 Answer key

2·7 1. c
2. a

  1. a

  2. c

  3. b

  4. b

  5. T

  6. T

  7. F

  8. F

  9. T

  10. F

  11. he main goals of the Human Genome Project were to lead to the understanding of genetic diseases,
    to create efective pharmaceuticals and medical treatments, and to prevent human sufering due to
    genetically transmitted diseases.

  12. Mendel’s experiments established that traits were passed from parents to ofspring in an organized and
    predictable way; Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution.

  13. he Human Genome Project was made possible by recombinant DNA, the PCR machine, computer
    technology, and the Internet.

  14. he Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act made discrimination on the basis of genetic information
    illegal for employers, insurers, courts, schools, and other entities.
    2·8 1. a 6. b

  15. b 7. c

  16. a 8. a

  17. c 9. a

  18. a 10. c
    2·9 Suggested answers:
    Paragraph 5
    Main idea: Rapid technological advances allow researchers to process and store greater amounts
    of genetic information.
    Supporting details:

  19. Recombinant DNA and PCR machines allowed researchers to slice and copy DNA

  20. he silicon semiconductor chip made analyzing and storing data faster and cheaper
    Paragraph 9
    Main idea: HGP promises to revolutionize how doctors test and treat patients and diagnose disease.
    Supporting details:

  21. More sophisticated diagnostic tests for genetic proiles and patient counseling

  22. Computerized and portable patient iles
    Paragraph 10
    Main idea: HGP promises revolutionary new drugs and reduced health care costs.
    Supporting details:

  23. Development of thousands of customized drugs with fewer side efects and successful results

  24. Potential for cloned transplant organs and lifesaving advances
    2·10 Suggested answers:
    1.+ 5.−
    2.− 6.−
    3.+ 7.+
    4.− 8.+
    2·11 Answers will vary.

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