Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Answer key 219

3 Near-death experiences: Fact or fantasy?

3·1 Suggested answers: die, heaven, hell, nirvana, paradise, resurrections, ghosts, dead, pronounce dead, suicide,
the other side, the aterlife, kill, clinically dead, cardiac arrest, consciousness, close brush with death
3·2 1. cessation, ceaseless

  1. conclusion, conclusive

  2. document/documentation, documentary

  3. establishment, established

  4. evolution, evolutionary

  5. survival/survivor, survivable

  6. transportation/transport, transportable

  7. concept, conceptual, conceive

  8. validation, valid, validate

  9. (ir)reversibility, reverse

  10. alteration

  11. compilation

  12. encounter

  13. trigger

  14. aware

  15. elemental

  16. incidental

  17. insightful

  18. phenomenal

  19. researcher, research
    3·3 1. awareness 6. documented

  20. conclude 7. encountered

  21. triggered 8. compiled

  22. altered 9. research

  23. insight 10. phenomenon
    3·4 1. b 6. a

  24. a 7. c

  25. b 8. c

  26. c 9. a

  27. a 10. a
    3·5 Consult a dictionary for denitions.

  28. n. 6. adj.

  29. v. 7. v.

  30. adj. 8. v.

  31. v. 9. n.

  32. n. 10. v.
    3·6 1. are not

  33. have been

  34. nearly die

  35. a very similar pattern, regardless of

  36. scientiic research

  37. pleasant

  38. does not have to

  39. have not successfully proven

  40. positive

  41. can

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