Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

224 Answer key

6 Electric cars: Greener, cleaner driving

6·1 Suggested answers: vehicle, miles, automobile, engine, gas/gasoline, acceleration, traic, highway, roads,
parking lots, shoulder belts, headrests, catalytic converters, air bag, economy cars, exhaust, driving range,
drivers, carmakers, trucks, internal combustion engine, taxis, delivery vehicles, buses, rental cars,
service station, hybrids, sedan, coupe, SUV, pickup
6·2 Consult a dictionary for denitions.

  1. stable, stabilize

  2. legislative, legislate

  3. globe, globalize

  4. abandonment

  5. consideration, considerable

  6. consumption, consumable

  7. excess, excessive

  8. generation, generative

  9. maintenance/maintainability, maintainable

  10. registration

  11. termination/terminal, terminal

  12. contribution, contributory, contribute

  13. decline

  14. luctuation

  15. range

  16. vehicular

  17. converse
    6·3 1. consider 11. consume

  18. annual 12. versions

  19. Conversely 13. vehicles

  20. terminate 14. generate

  21. declining 15. luctuate

  22. contributors 16. abandon

  23. maintain 17. legislation

  24. range 18. devices

  25. global 19. exceed

  26. stability 20. register
    6·4 1. c (n.) 6. h (adj.)

  27. g (v.) 7. d (n.)

  28. j (n.) 8. i (n.)

  29. f (n.) 9. e (n.)

  30. b (v.) 10. a (v.)
    6·5 1. increasing, faster

  31. major

  32. has not been

  33. he price of oil, government regulation

  34. were not, pressure from the automotive and oil industries

  35. are

  36. has proven

  37. making cars more energy-eicient and environmentally friendly

  38. unlikely

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