Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

236 Answer key

12 The Enneagram: Understanding our personalities

12·1 Suggested answers:
Positive traits: organized, thorough, principled, purposeful, patient, heroic, warm-hearted, generous,
empathetic, thoughtful, caring, self-assurance, charm, energy, optimism, adaptability, inspiring, creative,
sensitive, independent, innovative, inventive, self-reliant, perceptive, reliable, resourceful, optimistic,
enthusiastic, productive, committed, strong, compassionate, attentive, trustworthy.
Negative traits: rigid, judgmental, highly critical, manipulative, seductive, possessive, moody, dramatic,
miserly, detached, paranoid, cowardly, impulsive, narcissistic
12·2 Consult a dictionary for denitions.

  1. adj. 11. v.

  2. n. 12. adj.

  3. n. 13. n.

  4. v. 14. n.

  5. n. 15. n.

  6. adj. 16. n.

  7. v. 17. n.

  8. v. 18. n.

  9. adj. 19. n.

  10. n. 20. n.
    12·3 1. status

  11. comprehensive, aspects

  12. comprised

  13. psychology

  14. factor

  15. adjacent

  16. approach

  17. inherent

  18. circumstances
    12·4 1. attain 6. optional

  19. illustrations 7. predict

  20. isolated 8. pursuits

  21. heoretically 9. credited

  22. distinction 10. mediator
    12·5 1. h (n.) 6. i (v.)

  23. e (n.) 7. c (n.)

  24. b (n.) 8. a (v.)

  25. j (n.) 9. f (v.)

  26. g (n.) 10. d (n.)
    12·6 1. a. M b. SD

  27. a. SD b. M

  28. a. M b. SD

  29. a. SD b. M

  30. a. SD b. M

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