Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Answer key 237

12·7 1. c

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. a

  5. c

  6. T

  7. F

  8. T

  9. T

  10. F

  11. T

  12. Intuitive information can be belly-based, or physical; feeling-based, or emotional; or head-based,
    or mental.

  13. A Four will behave like a Two under stress.

  14. A Seven will behave like a Five in a situation where he or she feels secure.

  15. he Enneagram system’s purpose is to ind our true selves through understanding our passions and
    preoccupations, and to develop meaningful relationships.

  16. (1) d (2) f (3) h (4) c (5) a (6) i (7) e (8) b (9) g
    12·8 1. d 6. i

  17. e 7. b

  18. h 8. g

  19. c 9. f

  20. a
    12·9 Suggested answers:

  21. he Enneagram uniquely symbolizes human consciousness.

  22. he principal feature of each distinct type can become a neurotic habit or an ally in achieving

  23. Every type has two complementary, neighboring wings.

  24. Ones object to rule-breakers.

  25. Unguarded Eights can be giving, dedicated, and self-assured, and lead toward appropriate action.

  26. Evolved, focused Nines listen carefully, soothe, and guide others.
    12·10 1. he oldest theory of personality can be credited to the Roman surgeon Galen of Pergamon....

  27. An ancient system rooted in Sui mysticism, the Enneagram (Greek ennea for “nine” and grammos
    for “point”) identiies nine major aspects of being.

  28. Minimalists by nature, Fives do not require wealth or material possessions, but they are as attached
    to their intellectual pursuitsas a miser who counts his gold in secret.

  29. Born peacemakers, Nines can support and sympathize with all points of view.

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