Answer key 237
12·7 1. c
- a
- b
- c
- a
- c
- T
- F
- T
- T
- F
- T
- Intuitive information can be belly-based, or physical; feeling-based, or emotional; or head-based,
or mental. - A Four will behave like a Two under stress.
- A Seven will behave like a Five in a situation where he or she feels secure.
- he Enneagram system’s purpose is to ind our true selves through understanding our passions and
preoccupations, and to develop meaningful relationships. - (1) d (2) f (3) h (4) c (5) a (6) i (7) e (8) b (9) g
12·8 1. d 6. i - e 7. b
- h 8. g
- c 9. f
- a
12·9 Suggested answers: - he Enneagram uniquely symbolizes human consciousness.
- he principal feature of each distinct type can become a neurotic habit or an ally in achieving
self-knowledge. - Every type has two complementary, neighboring wings.
- Ones object to rule-breakers.
- Unguarded Eights can be giving, dedicated, and self-assured, and lead toward appropriate action.
- Evolved, focused Nines listen carefully, soothe, and guide others.
12·10 1. he oldest theory of personality can be credited to the Roman surgeon Galen of Pergamon.... - An ancient system rooted in Sui mysticism, the Enneagram (Greek ennea for “nine” and grammos
for “point”) identiies nine major aspects of being. - Minimalists by nature, Fives do not require wealth or material possessions, but they are as attached
to their intellectual pursuitsas a miser who counts his gold in secret. - Born peacemakers, Nines can support and sympathize with all points of view.