Near-death experiences: Fact or fantasy? 35
- Our depends on a healthy environment.
a. survival
b. surviving
c. survive - What are the main of a short story?
a. elements
b. elemental
3 · 5
Nonacademic vocabulary Using a dictionary, complete the following chart with
the correct part of speech and deinition of each of the nonacademic words in the
reading text.
Word Part of speech Deinition
- consciousness
- determine
- extensive
- fake
- judgment
- profound
- relieve
- revive
- skeptic
- verify
Reading comprehension
3 · 6
Reading for main ideasChoose the boldface word or phrase that correctly
completes each of the following statements.
- Near-death experiences are | are not a recent phenomenon.
- NDEshave been | have not been scientiically proven to have occurred.
- NDEs occur when people die| nearly die.
- NDEs follow a very similar pattern, regardless of | a very diferent pattern, depending on
a person’s age, gender, religion, culture, geographic location, and medical condition.