Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

64 practice makes perfect Advanced English Reading and Comprehension

  1. What happened in the 1960s and 1970s to change the traditional roles that men and
    women had illed in the past?

Answer the following question.

  1. Indicate which of the following characteristics or habits can be attributed to men (M) and
    which to women (W).
    a. The ability to multitask
    b. Rational, logical thinking
    c. The need to talk about things
    d. The role of breadwinner and leader
    e. The role of caregiver and homemaker
    f. Creative thinking
    g. The tendency to ofer solutions
    h. The tendency to ofer advice
    i. The need to be appreciated
    j. The need to be cherished
    k. The need to think alone in silence
    l. The ability to perform mechanical tasks

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Reading for interpretation and inferenceExpress the meaning of each of the
following sentences by correctly interpreting the simile or metaphor it contains.

  1. Love is like a garden.

  2. Men are like rubber bands.

  3. Women are like waves.

  4. Men go into their caves.

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