80 practice makes perfect Advanced English Reading and Comprehension
- “On the other hand, the Union of Concerned Scientists maintains that it would take 1,440
EVs to produce the CO 2 emitted by one conventional automobile.”
Now, scan other reading texts for facts and igures, and apply what you have learned in this exercise
to restate them.
Critical thinking
6 · 9
Making evaluationsParagraph 6 of the reading text states that many of the
people, or lessors, who leased the EV1 would have bought one. Indicate which of the
following statements would have been a reason to buy (✓) or not to buy (X) an EV1.
Give reasons to support your answers.
- The EV1 was cute and stylish.
- The EV1 was diferent from other cars.
- The EV1 drove and handled well.
- The EV1 was environmentally friendly.
- The EV1 was safe, reliable, and cheaper to run.
- The lessors were rich and could aford the price.
- The lessors preferred a small car.
- The lessors didn’t have to do a lot of long-distance driving.
6 · 10
Making a caseFor each of the following types of cars, list the pros and cons
regarding the car’s popularity ten years from now.
Type of car Pros Cons