6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Logic: Statements and Negations

In logic, the negation of a statement is formed
by denying the original statement. When a statement
is true, its negation is false. When a statement
is false, its negation is true.

Statement Negation
A square is round. False A square is not round. True
Seven is an odd number. True Seven is not an odd number. False
All squares have 5 sides. False No squares have 5 sides. True

Tell whether each is a negation of the statement:
“A triangle has 4 sides.” Write Yesor No.
0 1. A triangle does not have 4 sides. 0 2. A square has 4 sides.

Tell whether the statement is true or false. Then write the
negation of the statement and tell whether it is true or false.
0 3. A whole number is an integer. 0 4. All decimals are rational numbers.

0 5. All squares have 4 sides. 0 6. Sixteen is a prime number.

0 7. No circles have 3 sides. 0 8. No prime numbers are even.

0 9. A fraction cannot be renamed 10. An odd number is not

  1. as a decimal. 09. divisible by 4.

  2. Fractions can be added if they 12. The product of a fraction and

  3. are like fractions. 09. zero is zero.

Write a statement and its negation for each description.

  1. A statement about adding fractions or mixed numbers
    whose statement is true and negation is false.

  2. A statement about subtracting fractions or mixed numbers
    whose statement is false and negation is true.

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