6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Compare. Use or .

  1. 3% of 60 30% of 60 8. 62% of 40 52% of 40

  2. 19% of 300 29% of 300 10. 86% of 50 66% of 50

  3. 16 
    3 % of 12^66 

3 % of 12 12.^83 

3 % of 24^33 

3 % of 24

  1. 37 
    2 % of 16 

8 of 16 14. 

8 of 40^62 

2 % of 40

Write Trueor Falsefor each situation. Explain your answer.
Draw a picture to help you.
Tina has one half hour for lunch. Alberto allots one hour to deliver
She finishes in 20 minutes. newspapers. He finishes in 45 minutes.

  1. Tina uses exactly 50% 18. Alberto uses more than 50%
    of her lunchtime to eat. of his newspaper time.

  2. Tina uses less than 50% 19. Alberto uses more than 25%
    of her lunchtime to eat. of his newspaper time.

  3. Tina uses more than 50% 20. Alberto uses less than 100%
    of her lunchtime to eat. of his newspaper time.

Forty students are in the class. Ninety animals are in the shelter.
Fourteen receive A’s. Thirty are adopted.

  1. 50% of the students receive A’s. 24. 50% of the animals are adopted.

  2. Less than 50% receive A’s. 25. More than 25% are adopted.

  3. Less than 25% receive A’s. 26. More than 50% are notadopted.

  4. There are 6 ducks in the pond at the park. This is 10% of the
    ducks in the park. True or False: 100 ducks are in the park.
    a.Shade a ten-by-ten grid to show 6 ducks
    and a different ten-by-ten grid to show
    10% of 100 ducks. Compare the two shadings.

b.Does 10% of 1006? Is the statement above
true or false? How many ducks are in
the park? (Hint:10% of? 6.)





10% of 100 ducks

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