6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the percent or rate. Estimate first.

  1. What percent of 5 is 3? 2. What percent of 80 is 400?

  2. What percent of 100 is 11? 4. What percent of 900 is 243?

  3. 90 is what percent of 120? 6. 60 is what percent of 240?

  4. What percent of 180 is 63? 8. What percent of 140 is 91?

  5. What percent of 20 is 25? 10. What percent of 10 is 80?

  6. 4.4 is what percent of 80? 12. 4.6 is what percent of 50?

  7. 475 is what percent of 950? 14. 30 is what percent of 8?

  8. 2 is what percent of 16? 16. 5 is what percent of 40?

  9. 15 is what percent of 6? 18. 20 is what percent of 25?

  10. 28 is what percent of 35? 20. 125 is what percent of 50?

  11. At the school picnic, 30 of the 50 22. In the basketball game, 12 baskets
    teachers came by car. What percent were made in 25 attempts. What
    of the teachers came by car? percent of the baskets were made?

  12. Janet earned $420 at the golf 24. This year the price of a baseball
    course last summer. She put 70% glove is 105% of last year’s
    of her earnings in the bank. How price of $40. What is the price
    much money did she spend? this year?

  13. Of 125 players in the marching band, 44 are also in the school
    orchestra. What percent of the marching band members are not
    in the school orchestra?

  14. Explain how to find the value of each
    variable, the percent of student
    population for each grade. The total
    student population is 240.

Grade 5f% Grade 6s%

Grade 7v% Grade 8e%

Student Population

Gr. 5

Gr. 8

Gr. 6

Gr. 7

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