6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Solve. Explain the method you used.

  1. The population of Newton is 2. There are 360 animals in the
    1460. Twenty percent of the New City Zoo. Fifteen percent
    people in Newton read the local of the animals are monkeys.
    newspaper. How many people How many animals in the New
    read the local newspaper? City Zoo are notmonkeys?

  2. Jeff used 10 oranges to make 4. There are 16 teenagers in
    juice this morning. There were Sarah’s neighborhood. Four of
    25 oranges in the bag. What them are available to baby-sit.
    percent of the oranges in the What percent of the teenagers
    bag did he use? are notavailable to baby-sit?

  3. A report states that 72% of 6. There are 860 students in sixth
    1250 middle school students grade. Two hundred fifteen
    enjoy playing team sports. of them play basketball. What
    How many of the middle school percent of the students in sixth
    students enjoy playing team sports? grade do not play basketball?

  4. The Girl Scouts want to collect 8. On a typical day at Emerson
    500 pounds of old newspapers. Middle School, 6% of the
    They have already collected 150 650 students are absent.
    pounds. What percent of their How many students are
    goal have they notreached? present on a typical day?

  5. Thirty percent of the people in the
    park rent rowboats. If 270 people
    rent rowboats, how many people
    are in the park?

  6. Margaret spent $15 dollars on
    souvenirs on her vacation. If that
    was 5% of the cost of her trip,
    how much did her vacation cost?

  7. Out of each 2500 pairs of athletic
    shoes imported from Asia, about
    how many pairs come from
    each country?


S. Korea


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