6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Sales Tax and Total Cost


A sales tax is the amount of tax added to the
price of an item by a state or local government.
The rate of sales tax is given as a percent.

The total cost is the sum of the marked, or list,
price and the tax.

A remote control toy costs $224.50, plus 5% sales
tax. Find the sales tax and total cost of the toy.

To find the sales tax, T, write and solve an
equation or a proportion.

To find the total cost, TC, write and solve
the equation: TC$224.50 $11.23.

TC$224.50 $11.23

The total cost of the toy is $235.73.

  • Sales Tax Rate of Sales TaxMarked Price
    T RMP

  • Total CostMarked Price Sales Tax

First estimate: 5% of $220 2
0 $220$11
Then use one of these methods to find the sales tax.

Method 1

Write and solve an equation.
T5% of $224.50.
T5% $224.50
T$11.225 $11.23

The sales tax is $11.23.

Write and solve a proportion.

Method 2

part part

whole whole
100 T$224.50 5
100 T 100 $1122.50 100
T$11.225 $11.23



$11.23 is close to the estimate of $11.


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