6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the sales tax and total cost of each item.

  1. $23.40 sneakers, 5% sales tax 2. $59.75 camera, 4% sales tax

Use the tables below for exercises 3–10. The rate of sales tax is 6%.

  1. Find the sales tax on 2 blank CDs. 4. Find the sales tax on a skateboard.

  2. Find the total cost of a CD player. 6. Find the total cost of a calculator.

  3. Find the sales tax on 2 rolls of 8. Find the sales tax on 4 blank CDs.
    color film.

  4. Janell buys 3 video games. Find her 10. Find the total cost in exercise 8 if the
    change from a $50 bill. rate of sales tax is 6^1
    2 %.

  5. Kurt buys a calculator and a CD 12. Greg buys a pair of gloves that are
    player. How much does he spend priced at $19.50. If he pays 6% sales
    altogether? tax, how much does Greg pay for the

Item Price
Calculator $88.25
Video Game $12.95
Blank CDs 2 for $7.50

Item Price
Color Film 1 roll for $6.50
CD Player $62.75
Skateboard $49

  1. A $220 bicycle is on sale at 20% off. 14. Jean paid $11.25 for her new shirt on
    The rate of sales tax is 5%. What is sale. The discount was 10%. What
    the total cost of the bicycle? was the original price of the shirt?

Find the marked price.

  1. a DVD player
    total cost: $206
    rate of sales tax: 3%

  2. a CD
    total cost: $13
    rate of sales tax: 4%
    16. an amplifier
    total cost: $318
    rate of sales tax: 6%
    18. a stereo
    total cost: $844
    rate of sales tax: 5.5%

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