6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Estimate to decide which is the better buy.

  1. 5 cakes of soap for $1.49 8. Bag of a dozen lemons for $2.50
    1 cake of soap for 25¢ Lemons: 15¢ each

  2. Picture frames: 2 for $5.67 10. 3 boxes of crackers for $4.19
    Picture frames: $2.45 each Crackers: $1.50 per box

  3. At Rosada’s Market, a 10-oz can 12. A package of 6 coasters is marked
    of mushrooms sells for 40¢ and a $1.44 and a package of 8 of the same
    6-oz can sells for 30¢. Which is the coasters is marked $1.76. Which is the
    better buy? better buy?

  4. An 8-oz can of peaches costs $ .68. 14. A 12-oz box of Crispy Cereal costs
    A 14-oz can costs $1.05. Which is $2.10 and the 15-oz box of the same
    the better buy? cereal costs $2.94. Which is the better

Which is the better buy? Explain.
Show all your work.

  1. Sweaters in Store A marked $18.50
    at a 30%-off sale; the same
    sweaters in Store B marked $19.00
    at a ^13 -off sale

Estimation and Better Buy
Estimate to decide which is the better buy,
a bag of apples or 6 individual apples.
Estimate the unit cost of 1 apple in the bag
of apples.
$ 0 .20
6 $ 1 .2 9  6 $ 1 .2 0 

Each apple in the bag costs
about 20¢. The bag of apples is
the better buy.

Use compatible
numbers to

  1. Skirts in Store C marked $32.00 at a
    15% discount; the same skirts in Store
    D marked $44.00 at a ^14 -off sale

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