6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the simple interest, I, for each loan.

  1. $5000 at 5% for 2. $2500 at 7% for 3. $9000 at 6.5% for
    5 years 7 years 8 years

  2. $7000 at 5.2% for 5. $6210 at 4.8% for 6. $4280 at 2.5% for
    9 years 3 years 3.5 years

Find the simple interest earned for each number of years.
Round to the nearest cent when necessary.



  1. Elizabeth borrows $1500 at a simple
    interest rate of 3% for 3 years. At the
    end of the loan, how much principal
    and interest will she have paid back?

  2. Abby deposits $750 in a new savings
    account and earns a simple interest
    rate of 6%. At the end of 5 years, how
    much money is in the account if she
    never makes any more deposits or

  3. Pete saves $1275 at a simple interest
    rate of 5% for 5 years. Sharon saves
    $1175 at a simple interest rate of 7%
    for 5 years. At the end of 5 years, who
    has earned more interest? how much
    12. Gerard borrows $12,000 at a simple
    interest rate of 5.9% for 4 years. At the
    end of the loan, how much principal
    and interest will he have paid back?
    14. Aidan deposits $925 in a new savings
    account and earns a simple interest
    rate of 5.5%. At the end of 3 years,
    how much money is in the account if
    he never makes any more deposits or
    16. Greg borrows $1975 at a simple
    interest rate of 5% for 3 years. Linda
    borrows $1975 at a simple interest rate
    of 4.5% for 4 years. Who pays more
    interest at the end of their loan? how
    much more?


Principal Rate 3 years 5 years 7 years 10 years
$495 7.6%
$5230 1.9%
$9500 8.4%
$4065 2.1%


Write as a percent.

17.^1725 18. 10037 19. 5023 20. 259 21. 207 22. 43

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