6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Volume of Prisms


The volume of a solid figure is the number of cubic units
that it contains. The cubic units may be cubic centimeters,
cubic inches, cubic meters, cubic feet, and so on.

You can count the cubes to find the volume
of a cube or a rectangular prism.

You can use formulas to find the volume
of cubes and rectangular prisms.

Find the volume of
the cube.


V(0.3 m)^3

V0.027 m^3

The volume of the cube
is 0.027 m^3.

Find the volume of the
rectangular prism.


The volume of the rectangular
prism is 504 ft^3.

one cubic unit

The large cube has 3 3 or The rectangular prism has 5  4
9 cubes in each layer, and or 20 cubes in each layer, and
there are 3 layers of cubes. there are 3 layers of cubes.
The volume is 27 cm^3. The volume is 60 cm^3.

Volume of a Cube
Vedge edge edge

Volume of a Rectangular Prism
Vlength width height

V^221 ft^81 ft^61 ft
V504 ft^3

3 cm

3 cm

3 cm



width length

5 cm 4 cm

3 cm

6 ft
8 ft
10 ft^12

1 unit

1 unit

1 unit

0.3 m

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