6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the volume of each cube.

  1. e4 in. 5. e0.7 dm 6. e 1 ^12 ft

Find the volume of each rectangular prism.

  1. 3 cm 11. 5 yd 12. 5.2 m
    w4 cm w^1
    2 yd

w5 m

h 2 
5 yd

h6.4 m

  1. Find the volume of a swimming 14. A moving van is 12 m long,
    pool that is 50 m long, 20 m 3.5 m wide, and 3.8 m high.
    wide, and 5 m deep. What is the volume of the van?

  2. A storage room is shaped like a 16. The inside of a cubical box measures
    cube. It measures 5 m on each 12 ft on each edge. How many cubes,
    edge. What is the total volume each measuring 1 ft on each edge,
    of 10 storage rooms? will fit inside the box?

  3. What happens to the volume of a cube if the length
    of an edge is doubled? tripled? Give examples to support your answers.

Two rectangular prisms are similar solids if the ratios of
the lengths of their corresponding edges are equal.

  1. Are the given rectangular prisms similar? Explain.

  2. How does the volume of the smaller rectangular
    prism compare to the volume of the larger prism? Explain.

5 m

10 mm 0.8 cm

9 m

4 m
4 m

7 yd 2 yd

3 yd

1 cm
15 cm

2 cm

4 in.

3 in.
2 in.

20 in.

15 in.
10 in.

h5 cm

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