6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the volume of each triangular prism.

Find the volume of each cylinder, to the nearest tenth.

  1. r3 in. 13. r4 ft 14. r5 in. 15. d6 yd
    h6 in. h10 ft h12 in. h8 yd

  2. The height of a triangular prism is 17. The height of a triangular
    6.5 cm and the area of its base is prism doubles. What happens
    24 cm^2. Find its volume. to the volume?

  3. The volume of a triangular prism 19. Caden says that the volume of a
    is 84 cubic inches. The area of the cylinder that has a diameter of 8 cm
    base is 12 square inches. What is and a height of 14 cm is about
    the height of the prism? 2813.44 cm^3. Is Caden correct?
    If not what is the error?

  4. How is finding the volume of a cylinder and finding the volume
    of a triangular prism alike? How is it different?

6 ft

6 ft

4 ft

8 cm

9 cm

11 cm 9 m

3 m
4.8 m

6.6 yd

4.2 yd

8.4 yd

7 in.

9 in.
15 in.

3.7 m

5.8 m

2 m

  1. 9 cm
    8.8 cm

9 .7 cm

7 ft

4 ft
1.5 m

  1. 9 m 46 mm

66 mm
9 in.

5 in.

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