6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Solve and check.

  1.  7 r  49 4.  25 j  125 5. y  15  4 6. g  17  9

  2.  12 u  11 8.  16 d 80 9. c  23  3 10.  14 q  56

  3.  17 c 42  43 12.  8 t 96  64 13.  29  77 g 125

  4.  16  78 15.  42  35 16.  14  36

  5. x  25  24  1 18.  4  160  4 k 19.  21 h  13  134




  1. After a starting temperature of 9°C,
    the temperature changed in equal
    increments for each of 7 days. The
    temperature at the end of the 7 days
    was 5°C. How much did the
    temperature change each day?
    25. Over a 9-month period, Bo’s store
    showed a total loss of $190. This
    included 8 months of losses and one
    month with a profit of $18. What inte-
    ger represents the average monthly
    loss in the 8 unprofitable months?

  2. When a number is divided by 9, the
    result is 11. What is the number?

  3. Eight more than 3 times a certain
    number is equal to 1. What is the
    21. When a number is multiplied by 15,
    the result is 165. What is the number?
    23. When 7 is subtracted from twice a
    certain number, the result is 25. What
    is the number?

Complete each step to solve and check each equation.

  1.  5 a 135 2. k 6  18
     5 a 135  k 6  18 
    a  k

Check:  5   135 Check:  6  18
 135  18


Solve for x. Choose the best answer.

  1.  12 x 108  336

A x 37 B x 19
C x 19 D x 37

  1.  17  28

F  2070 G  506
H  2070 J  506


Write an equation and then solve.

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