6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Functions and Ordered Pairs


Use the function rule to complete each function table.

Age in years (x) 5 8 10 20
Height in inches (y) 64 72 77 103

Rule: yx 3
x y Ordered Pair
 6  6  3  9 (6, 9)

0 0  3  3 (0, 3)
 2  2  3  1 (2, 1)

Rule: yx 5 Rule: yx 4
x y Ordered Pair

x y Ordered Pair

These ordered pairs do not have an
obvious rule that relates the second
number in the pair to the first number.

One of the tallest persons in medical history
was Robert Wadlow, born in Alton, Illinois, in 1918.
On his 13th birthday, he stood 7 ft 1^34 in.
By age 17, he had reached more than 8 ft in height.

The function table below shows his height in inches
as a function of his age. A function is a set of
ordered pairs (x, y) in which there is only one
y-value for each x-value.

The pairs of numbers in the table can be written
as ordered pairs (x, y).

(5, 64) (8, 72) (10, 77) (20, 103)

You can write ordered pairs for a function because they
are related in a specific way, called the function rule.
The ordered pairs below are related by the rule: yx3.


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