6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Rotate each point counterclockwise about the origin on a coordinate grid.
Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its rotation.

  1. A(2, 7), 90° 2. B(5, 3), 180° 3. C(4, 11), 270°

  2. D(6, 1), 90° 5. E(0, 5), 180° 6. F(8, 0), 270°

Use the given graph for exercises 7–9.

  1. Give the coordinates of the
    vertices of triangle ABC.

  2. Give the coordinates of the
    rotation image of triangle ABC.

  3. Describe the rotation of triangle

Graph each figure and its image on the same coordinate grid.
Then describe its rotation.

  1. E(0, 0), F(3, 0), G(3, 5) 11. M(3, 5), N(5, 1), P(0, 0)
    E′(0, 0), F′(0, 3), G′(5, 3) M′(3, 5), N′(5, 1), P′(0, 0)

  2. R(2, 3), S(0, 6), T(2, 6) 13. A(0, 0), B(6, 0), C(6, 2), D(0, 2)
    R′(3, 2), S′(6, 0), T′(6, 2) A′(0, 0), B′(6, 0), C′(6, 2), D′(0, 2)

Graph each triangle and its image on the same coordinate grid.
Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its rotation.

  1. Q(0, 0), R(3, 0), S(3, 4), 15. W(3, 5), X(6, 5), Y(3, 2),
    rotate 90° counterclockwise rotate 180° counterclockwise
    about the origin about the origin

Use the triangles in exercises 14–15.
16.Rotate QRS90°clockwiseabout 17. Rotate WXY180°clockwiseabout
the origin. What did you discover? the origin. What did you discover?

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