6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1





Listen to your teacher read the directions.
You do not need paper and pencil.

1.Name the period.
12,452; 321,589; 6,109,372; 710,448; 626,001
2.Add 1 million to: 4,375,210; 508,119,042;
62,137,429; 506,317,286,902
3.Give the value of the underlined digits:
1,624,590,78 3
4.Add 2 to: 9, 6, 19, 16, 8, 28, 7, 17
5.Subtract 3 from: 10, 12, 25, 19, 32, 42
6.In the numeral 468, what is the value of 6?
7.From the sum of 9 6, take 3 4.
8.Mary had $3.50. She spent $1.30. How much
did she have left?

0 9.Which is greater:
36,101 or 30,000  6000  100  10 0?
10.What period is 25 in 25,607,384,590,012?
11.Of the numbers 36,803,251, 36,308,215, and
36,803,215, which is the greatest?
12.Name the addition property used.
13.The bookstore has 48 cat calendars and 61 dog
calendars. Estimate the number of calendars.
14.What is the value of 8 in 30,820?
15.On Saturday, 478 people went to the show. If
250 went to the A.M. show, about how many
went to the P.M. show?

1.Round to the nearest million. 3,733,415;
2,165,899; 7,998,115; 31,236,709
2.Round to the place of the underlined digit.
8 3,724; 628,457; 3,296,485
3.Find the missing number.
16 n 16
5  8 n 5
(32) 4  3 (n4)
4.Estimate. 18  19  17 32  29  25
48  11  13 56  12  25 65  12  21
5.Subtract 4 from: 9, 7, 16, 12, 23, 27
6.In the numeral 8,643,729,065 what is the value
of 4?
7.Which 4 coins make $.75?
8.How much less than 9 8 is 7 3?

0 9.At a sale, the price of a rug was changed from
$32 to $27. How much was it reduced?
10.Choose the operations:
200 75 25  250
11.What is the difference in cents between
8 dimes and 8 nickels?
12.The price of eggs was $1.08 a dozen. A week
later, it was $1.23. How much had the price per
dozen increased?
13.If the sum of 2 numbers is 13, and one addend
is 4, what is the other?
14.Round 8325 to the nearest thousand.
10  4  3  6  9  11  3 n


  1. 01  11 13  0
    36  36 42  0
    01  25 50  0
    2.Add 4 to: 6, 7, 27, 8, 18, 9, 39, 16
    3.Subtract 2 from: 8, 18, 13, 23, 17, 37
    4.Name the first 4 non-zero multiples of:
    6, 10, 5, 4, 7, 9, 8
    5.Multiply by 2, then add 3: 4, 8, 7, 9, 3, 10, 0, 5, 6
    6.How much less than 2 times 8 is 2 times 7?
    7.At 2 for $.35, what will 6 marbles cost?
    8.How much greater than 3 0 is 3 6?



?? 0 9.At $.20 each, find the cost of 30 stamps.
10.From the difference between 16 and 7 take 2 3.
11.At 40 miles per hour, how far will a ship go in
8 hours?
12.Van’s 50 cents in change contains
1 quarter, 1 nickel, and ddimes. What is the
value of d?
13.Dan packs 77 boxes per hour. At this rate, about
how many boxes will he pack in 12 hours?
14.Evaluate 40  30  40 300.
15.The nursery plants 240 trees in each of 20 rows.
How many trees are planted?

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