6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

SET 25

SET 26

SET 27


  1. 0  7  5 0  4  9 00  6  9
     10  12  3  11  13  4
     17  8 0  8  4
    2.Find 50% of: 8, 12, 2, 10, 16, 20, 4, 14, 24
    3.Express as a fraction. 20%, 25%, 50%, 75%,
    80%, 15%, 10%, 5%, 60%, 35%

  2. 1 ^14 ^34  2 ^56 ^16  2 ^12 ^14 
    5.Find^16 of: 12, 30, 54, 42, 72, 48, 36, 18, 24
    6.A motorboat can go 7.8 mph. How far will it go
    in 5 hours?
    7.Write as a ratio:
    3 quarters, 1 nickel to 3 dimes, 2 nickels.

0 8.Ella put $160 into savings. She withdrew $49.
How much is left in savings?
0 9.In one game Ned won 9 points, lost 4 points,
lost 2 points, won 7 points, and won 3 points.
What was his final score?
10.40% of 75 questions are essay. How many
questions are essay questions?
11.90 is ^34 of what number?
12.Evaluate (^35 ^35 )(^35 ^35 ).
13.A batter has been at bat 27 times and has had
9 hits. What is his batting average?
14.Multiply 0.02 by 0.06.
15.How many pieces of wire ^34 yd long can
be cut from 6 yards?

1.True or false if x7: 6 x 13
x 6  13 3 x 27 56 x 8
2.True or false if n8: n 4  4
n 2  4 80  10 n ^12 n 16
3.True or false if n3: 2n 1  5
n 2  1  5 1 n 2  5 1  2 n 7
4.Choose the equations. 42 x  4 x 3
2 x 6  3 x 9  10
5.d 6 The value of 3  10 dis
6.12 more than a number:
12 nor 1 n 2 orn 12

0 7.Product of a number and 20:
p20 or  2 p 0 or 20p
0 8.rdivided by 6 is 5:  6 r5 or r 6 5 or 6r 5
0 9.4 less than a number is 7: x 4 7 or
4 x7 or x 4  7
11.An equation states that two expressions are.
12.Which operation solves n 33 96?
13.Which operation solves 14n56?
14.What is the value of x?
x 22  50 9 x 44 x 17  39
15.What is the value of n?
n 4  22 8 n 4  9 n 54

1.Name the opposite of: 11,8,15,3,24,
1,5,17,13,20,6, 0
2.Compare. Use ,, or .
 3  2  6  11  5  1
 8  8  4  2
3.Order from least to greatest. 5,4,1;10,
7,4;2, 0, 6;8,11, 3
4. 3  6  10  8  7  1
5. 7  4  2  9 0  12  6
 9  9  5  4
6.The temperature outside was  6 . The wind
made it feel 20colder. What was the windchill
7.Find the sum.  3 ( 2 5)

0 8.A store’s profits for the month were:
35% for furniture sales, 20% for home appliances,
10% for clothing, and 5% for shoes. The remainder
of the profits came from toys. What percent are
from toys?
0 9.In Jan. Matt lost 6 lb. He gained 2 lb in Feb. and
lost 3 lb in Mar. What was his total weight
gain or loss?
10.Express 65% as a fraction.
11.Multiply 0.724 by 1000.
12.Give 1492 as a Roman numeral.
13.Divide 1020 by 5, and take 4 from the result.
14.Express 75% as a fraction.
15.The temperature went from  11 C to  8 C
during the day. How many degrees did the
temperature drop?





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