5 Steps to a 5 AP Calculus BC 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
How to Plan Your Time 9

You are a one-semester prep student(Plan B) if:

  1. You get to the airport 1 hour before your flight is scheduled to leave;

  2. You are willing to plan ahead to feel comfortable in stressful situations, but are okay
    with skipping some details;

  3. You feel more comfortable when you know what to expect, but a surprise or two is cool;

  4. You’re always on time for appointments.

You are a six-week prep student(Plan C) if:

  1. You get to the airport just as your plane is announcing its final boarding;

  2. You work best under pressure and tight deadlines;

  3. You feel very confident with the skills and background you’ve learned in your AP
    Calculus class;

  4. You decided late in the year to take the exam;

  5. You like surprises;

  6. You feel okay if you arrive 10–15 minutes late for an appointment.

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