5 Steps to a 5 AP Calculus BC 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

386 STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

Section II---Part B

Number of Questions Time Use of Calculator
4 60 Minutes No


The use of a calculator is not permitted in this part of the exam. When you have finished this part of the exam,
you may return to the problems in Part A of Section II and continue to work on them. However, you maynot
use a calculator. You shouldshow all work. You maynotreceive any credit for correct answers without supporting
work. Unless otherwise indicated, the numeric or algebraic answers need not be simplified, and the domain of a
functionf is the set of all real numbers.

  1. A particle is moving on a straight line. The
    velocity of the particle for 0≤t≤30 is shown
    in the table below for selected values oft.

t(sec) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
v(t) (m/sec) 0 7.510.1 12 13 13.5 14.1 14 13.9 13 12

(A) Using MRAM (Midpoint Rectangular
Approximation Method) with five
rectangles, find the approximate value of∫

(B) Using the result in part (A), find the
average velocity over the interval
0 ≤t≤30.
(C) Find the average acceleration over the
interval 0≤t≤30.
(D) Find the approximate acceleration att=6.
(E) During what intervals of time is the
acceleration negative?

  1. LetRbe the region enclosed by the graph of
    y=x^3 , thex-axis, and the linex=2.
    (A) Find the area of regionR.
    (B) Find the volume of the solid obtained by
    revolving regionRabout thex-axis.
    (C) The linex=adivides regionRinto two
    regions such that when the regions are
    revolved about thex-axis, the resulting
    solids have equal volume. Finda.

(D) If regionRis the base of a solid whose
cross sections perpendicular to thex-axis
are squares, find the volume of the solid.

  1. Let fbe a function that has derivatives of all
    orders for all real numbers. Assumef(0)=1,
    f′(0)=6,f′′(0)=−4, and f′′′(0)=30.
    (A) Write the third-degree Taylor polynomial
    forfaboutx=0 and use it to
    approximate f(0.1).
    (B) Write the sixth-degree Taylor polynomial
    forg, whereg(x)=f


, aboutx=0.
(C) Write the seventh-degree Taylor
polynomial forh, whereh(x)=




  1. Given the parametric equationsx=2(θ−sinθ)

(A) find

in terms ofθ.
(B) find an equation of the line tangent to the
graph atθ=π.
(C) find an equation of the line tangent to the
graph atθ= 2 π.
(D) set up but do not evaluate an integral
representing the length of the curve over
the interval 0≤θ≤ 2 π.

STOP. AP Calculus BC Practice Exam 1 Section II Part B
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