5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kinetics ❮ 207

❯ Answers and Explanations

  1. C—The exponent 2 means this is a second-
    order rate law. Second-order rate laws give a
    straight-line plot for 1/[A] versus t.

  2. A—The value of k remains the same unless the
    temperature is changed or a catalyst is added.
    Only materials that appear in the rate law, in
    this case NO 2 , will affect the rate. Adding NO 2
    would increase the rate, and removing NO 2
    would decrease the rate. CO has no effect on the

  3. B—The half-life is 0.693/k = 0.693/0.049 s-^1 =
    14 s. (It is possible to get this answer by round-
    ing the values to 0.7/0.05 s-^1 .) The time given,
    28 s, represents two half-lives. The first half-life
    uses one-half of the beryllium, and the second
    half-life uses one-half of the remaining mate-
    rial, so only one-fourth of the original material

  4. B—Slow reactions have high activation energies.
    Low activation energies are typical of fast reac-
    tions. A catalyst will increase the rate of a reac-
    tion. Increasing the temperature will increase the
    rate of a reaction.

  5. A—Add the two equations together:

NO 2 (g) + CO(g) + NO(g) + O 3 (g) →
NO(g) + CO 2 (g) + NO 2 (g) + O 2 (g)

Then cancel identical species that appear on
opposite sides:
CO(g) + O 3 (g) → CO 2 (g) + O 2 (g)

  1. C—The value will be decreased by one-half for
    each half-life. Using the following table:

0 0.100
1 0.0500
2 0.0250
3 0.0125
4 0.00625

Four half-lives = 4 (200 s) = 800 s

  1. C—This is the definition of the activation
    8. B—The friction supplies the energy necessary to
    start the reaction. This energy is the activation
    energy. The free energy and the heat of reaction
    for the reaction deal with the reactants and prod-
    ucts. It is necessary to deal with the reactants and
    transition state (activated complex), which are
    separated by the activation energy.
    9. C—Beginning with the generic rate law, Rate =
    k[CO]m [Cl 2 ]n, it is necessary to determine the
    values of m and n (the orders). Comparing
    experiments 2 and 3, the rate doubles when the
    concentration of CO is doubled. This direct
    change means the reaction is first order with
    respect to CO. Comparing experiments 1 and 3,
    the rate doubles when the concentration of Cl 2
    is doubled. Again, this direct change means the
    reaction is first order. This gives Rate = k[CO]^1
    [Cl 2 ]^1 = k[CO] [Cl 2 ].
    10. C—The compound appears in the rate law, so a
    change in its concentration will change the rate.
    The reaction is first order in (CH 3 ) 3 CBr, so the
    rate will change directly with the change in con-
    centration of this reactant.
    11. B—All substances involved, directly or indi-
    rectly, in the rate-determining step will change
    the rate when their concentrations are changed.
    The ion is required in the balanced chemical
    equation, so it cannot be a spectator ion, and
    it must appear in the mechanism. Catalysts will
    change the rate of a reaction. Since H+ does not
    affect the rate, the reaction is zero order with
    respect to this ion.
    12. D—The rate law depends on the slow step of
    the mechanism. The reactants in the slow step
    are Cl and CHCl 3 (one of each). The rate law is
    first order with respect to each of these. The Cl
    is half of the original reactant molecule Cl 2. This
    replaces the [Cl] in the rate law with [Cl 2 ]1/2. Do
    not make the mistake of using the overall reac-
    tion to predict the rate law.

  2. A—Carbon monoxide, CO, does not appear in
    the rate law. Since it does not appear in the rate
    law, changing the concentration of CO will not
    change the rate of the reaction.

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