5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

36 ❯ STEP 3. Develop Strategies for Success

students who would rather set themselves on fire than sit for another round of “bubble
trouble.” We hope that, with a little background and a few tips, you might improve your
scores on this important component of the AP Chemistry exam.
First, the background. Every multiple-choice question has three important parts:

  1. The stem is the basis for the actual question. Sometimes this comes in the form of a
    fill-in-the-blank statement, rather than a question.

Example: The mass number of an atom is the sum of the atomic number
and ________.

Example: What two factors lead to real gases deviating from the predictions of
Kinetic Molecular Theory?

  1. The correct answer option. Obviously, this is the one selection that best completes
    the statement or responds to the question in the stem. Because you have purchased this
    book, you will select this option many, many times.

  2. Distracter options. Just as it sounds, these are the incorrect answers intended to
    distract anyone who decided not to purchase this book. You can locate this person in
    the exam room by searching for the individual who is repeatedly smacking his or her
    forehead on the desktop.
    Students who do well on multiple-choice exams are so well prepared that they can easily find
    the correct answer, but other students do well because they are perceptive enough to identify
    and avoid the distracters. Much research has been done on how best to study for, and com-
    plete, multiple-choice questions. You can find some of this research by using your favorite
    Internet search engine, but here are a few tips that many chemistry students find useful.

  3. Let’s be careful out there. You must carefully read the question. This sounds obvious, but
    you would be surprised how tricky those test developers can be. For example, rushing
    past, and failing to see, the use of a negative, can throw a student.

Example: Which of the following is not true of the halogens?
a. They are nonmetals.
b. They form monatomic anions with a -1 charge.
c. In their standard states they may exist as solids, liquids, or gases.
d. All may adopt positive oxidation states.
e. They are next to the noble gases on the periodic table.

A student who is going too fast, and ignores the negative not, might select option (a),
because it is true and it was the first option that the student saw.
You should be very careful about the wording. It is easy to skip over small words like
“not,” “least,” or “most.” You must make sure you are answering the correct question.
Many students make this type of mistake—do not add your name to the list.

  1. See the answer, be the answer. Many people find success when they carefully read the
    question and, before looking at the alternatives, visualize the correct answer. This
    allows the person to narrow the search for the correct option and identify the distract-
    ers. Of course, this visualization tip is most useful for students who have used this book
    to thoroughly review the chemistry content.

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