34 | NAILS MAGAZINE | DECEMBER 2016Been published on nailsmag.com? Take a tip from RosaVargas (@nailsbyrosavargas) and save the search linkto your work as your Instagram bio.``````@thenailhubBest #nailmailthere is! Thankyou for amazingcustomer service!#happycamper#naillife``````Iâm standingbeside a posterof Kathy andGary Weltmanof SoftLandi ngs. TheIPA Booth atthe Nail TechEvent of the Smokies in Gatlinburg,
Tenn., had a poster of them that everyonecould sign to send well wishes since they couldnot be at the show.V ickie Meado rEuropean Body Wraps, Olive Branch, Mo.If you have a photo of yourself reading NAILS Magazine, send it to [email protected]. Make sure to include your name, salon name, city,state and a brief synopsis of whatâs going on in the photo (where youare, what youâre there for, etc.).W here in the world isNAILS Magazine?``````INSTAGRAMhttp://www.instagram.com/nailsmagazine