(Joyce) #1

40 | NAILS MAGAZINE | DECEMBER 2016You don’t ordinarily think of doing nails as a test of endurance, but sometimes it can be — especially when you’re firststarting out. We asked our Facebook friends to tell us about the set of nails that took them the longest to complete —whether due to their newbie status or the intricacies of a special design.{nails file}The nails I spend the longest time on werea set of form-sculpted acrylics I did for adancer at a nightclub. I did all handpaintednail art and they took about four hours.— Jamie Peery Warren``````When I was a newbie in a high-endsalon, a client who was one of theowner’s closest friends sat in my chair.After I applied each nail, she would pullher hand away, shake her head, and say,“They’re just not right.” A new set wouldusually take me an hour and a half, butthis woman exhausted me! After a fewmonths and extra training I had becomea very good technician, but I refused toallow her to sit in my chair again.— Kathy Skeens Parris``````I did these nails for my new salon menu.It took me four-and-a-half hours becauseI don’t do extreme nails often, but I lovethem and want to offer them.— Lucy Spalding Mardres``````The first time I did a French manicure ittook me two hours just to paint it. Plus ittook me another hour to do the manicure— for three hours total. And it didn’t evenlook that great in the end.— Cassidy Stewart``````One of my first sets of sculpted nails tookme 11 hours. It was at the client’s housesurrounded by her family with littlechildren taking my products and playingwith my glitters while my client wassnacking on tacos. Instead of relaxing herhands she wanted to follow the wholeapplication and kept her fingers verytensed and pointing up. It was awful.But the worst part was that she wantedextra-long nails and her nails were verysmall (she was a nail biter). When I wasfinally done she changed her mind andwanted her nails shorter. I just wanted torun away from there.— Bella Martinelli``````Recently my client spotted a Gelishhow-to in a magazine. We started onher fill at 9:15 and then I started tocreate my masterpiece using the latestcolors from the Street Beat collection.We finished at 12:45 — after a fewgreat photos of course.— Monique Scott``````I was new to acrylics. I had just finished mycourse and the mom of one of my friendsasked me to do her nails. It took me fivehours and three files. I also did some 3-Dnail art.— Perla Muñoz``````My first full set in nail school took fivehours...and it sucked! I was so sadsince I thought I was going to be anatural talent. I was wrong! Thankfully,over 21 years I have improved my timeand the quality of my work.— Jill Neely``````A coworker and I did nails for a salonphoto shoot that had a zombie pop arttheme. We continued the theme from thenails to arms using paint. It took us threehours to paint our arms and four days tocomplete the detailed press-on nails weput on each other.— Ho pe Szymans kiTales of Travails:My Longest Nail Service Ever>>>

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