(Joyce) #1

2 Winter 2016 NailStyle gelish.comand after the epic heat we had inCalifornia this year, I am hoping it’s goingto be a cold one. Ok, maybe not cold, butat least cool. Being on the West Coast,we don’t get much snow, but who saysyou can’t make your own snow, right?While we were planning for our winterphoto shoot for The Great Ice-scape, Idecided that is exactly what we woulddo. We brought a snowy forest to lifecomplete with fir trees, fuzzy coats and iceskates. It was an exciting shoot for one ofmy favorite color collections we’ve evercreated. So whether you’ll be travelingon a winter getaway or staying home andcurling up by the fire, I hope you will let ustake you on a Great Ice-scape.``````Danny HaileFounder/CEO, Hand & Nail HarmonyStyleNotesWinter iscoming...3 trend talk4 On location5 the art of the Snowflake6 the Winter Collection8 Master technique10 anne Powers: Brush or Blade?12 the Holiday Collection15 Product Spotlight18 Global NewsContentsDanny Haile CEO & FOundErDavid Daniel PrEsidEntGari-Dawn Tingler ViCE PrEsidEntDavid Trocker ChiEF MArkEting OFFiCEr© 2016 Nail alliaNCe Brea, Ca 92821 - GeliSH aNd HaNd & Nail HarMONy arereGiStered tradeMarkS Of HaNd & Nail HarMONy, iNC.45-10261 HM-6386``````Vol. 3 Issue 4``````the CoverNails Thao NguyenPhotograPher Lindsey KarnoppModel Brianna for Two ManagementMakeuP/hair Kelly ShewWardrobe Claire OlesonProPs Dan Begakis

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