(Joyce) #1 NailStyle^ Winter 2016^9MORGaNTaYlOR MAsterTechNique02Using the MINI STRIPERBRUSH and ALL WHITENOW, draw fi ve additionaldiamonds to create afl ower.``````05With ALL WHITE NOWand the STRIPER BRUSH,create a lace design byadding small triangles tothe outer lines.``````06Using ALL WHITE NOWand a DOTTING TOOL,apply two small dots oneach side of the fl ower.Next, add small dots inbetween the lace design.For a high-shine, long-lasting manicure, apply acoat of NEED FOR SPEEDtop coat.01Apply a thin coat of HEY,TWIRL-FRIEND! to the nailmaking sure to cap the freeedge. Apply a second coatfor full coverage. With ALLWHITE NOW and a MINISTRIPER BRUSH, createa small diamond shape inthe middle of the nail.04Using the STRIPERBRUSH and ALL WHITENOW, draw two additionalstraight lines.03With ALL WHITE NOWand a STRIPER BRUSH,create two thin horizontallines above and below thefl ower shape.WinterFantasyGive in to a snowfl akefantasy this winter.

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