Barrons AP Calculus

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1






{y  |   −1  <   y   <   1}
{y | −1 y 1}

Let g(x)    =   |cos    x   −   1|. The maximum value   attained    by  g   on  the closed
interval [0, 2π] is for x equal to

Which of the following functions is not odd?
f(x) = sin x
f(x) = sin 2x
f(x) = x^3 + 1

The roots   of  the equation    f(x)    =   0   are 1   and −2. The roots   of  f   (2x)    =   0   are
1 and −2
and −1
and 1
2 and −4
−2 and 4

The set of  zeros   of  f(x)    =   x^3     +   4x^2    +   4x  is
{0, −2}
{0, 2}
{2, −2}

The values  of  x   for which   the graphs  of  y   =   x   +   2   and y^2     =   4x  intersect   are
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