Barrons AP Calculus

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




x^2 + y^2   =   1
4 x^2 + y^2 = 4
4 x + y^2 = 4
x + 4 y^2 = 1
Find the smallest value of θ in the interval [0,2π] for which the rose r = 2
cos(5θ) passes through the origin.

For what    value   of  θ   in  the interval    [0,π]   do  the polar   curves  r   =   3   and r   =
2 + 2 cos θ intersect?

On  the interval    [0,2π]  there   is  one point   on  the curve   r   =   θ   −   2   cos θ
whose x-coordinate is 2. Find the y-coordinate there.
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