Barrons AP Calculus

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




Example 26 __

Is continuous at x = −1?

SOLUTION: Since f is a polynomial, it is continuous everywhere, including, of
course, at x = −1.

Example 27 __

Is continuous (a) at x = 3; (b) at x = 0?

SOLUTION: This function is continuous except where the denominator equals
0 (where g has an infinite discontinuity). It is not continuous at x = 3, but is
continuous at x = 0.

Example 28 __

Is continuous

at  x   =   2;  (b) at  x   =   3?


h(x)    has an  infinite    discontinuity   at  x   =   2;  this    discontinuity   is  not removable.
h(x) is continuous at x = 3 and at every other point different from 2.
See Figure N2–10.
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