Barrons AP Calculus

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


SOLUTION: , where f(x) = . The value of the limit is x−1/2

when x = 9, or .

Example 50 __

Find .

SOLUTION: , where f(x) =.

Verify that and compare with Example 17.

Example 51 __

Find .

SOLUTION: , where f (x) = e x. The limit has value e 0 or 1 (see
also Example 41.)

Example 52 __

Find .

SOLUTION: , where f (x) = sin x, because we can write

The answer is 1, since f ′(x) = cos x and f ′(0) = cos 0 = 1. Of course, we already
know that the given limit is the basic trigonometric limit with value 1. Also,
L’Hôpital’s Rule yields 1 as the answer immediately.

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