Barrons AP Calculus

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1





The period  of  f   is   ,  or  6.
Since the maximum value of −sin x is −(−1) or +1, the maximum value of f is
3 + 1 or 4.
equals +1 when , that is, when . Solving yields
We graph :

Figure  N1–6

D2. Inverses

We obtain inverses of the trigonometric functions by limiting the domains of the
latter so each trigonometric function is one-to-one over its restricted domain. For
example, we restrict

Inverse trig    functions

The graphs of f (x) = sin x on and of its inverse f −1(x) = sin−1x are shown

in Figure N1–7. The inverse trigonometric function sin−1x is also commonly
denoted by arcsin x, which denotes the angle whose sine is x. The graph of sin−1x
is, of course, the reflection of the graph of sin x in the line y = x.

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