SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

If  you end up  with    DOTS    on  your    NECK,   there   must    be  a   STORY   to  tell.

  • The old lady kept the motorcycle gang thoroughly amused with anecdote after anecdote
    about her cute little dog.

  • Alvare told an anecdote about the time Jessica got her big toe stuck in a bowling ball.

  • The vice president set the crowd at ease with a touching anecdote about his childhood
    desire to become a public servant.

  • To say that the evidence of life on other planets is merely anecdotal is to say that we
    haven’t captured any aliens, but simply have heard a lot of stories from people claiming to
    have been kidnapped by flying saucers.

anomaly (uh NAHM uh lee) n an unusual occurrence; an irregularity; a deviation


  • Making an OMELETTE for breakfast on a school day would be an
    ANOMALY. (No time!) • ANOMALY sounds like ABNORMALITY.

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