SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • From the balcony of the bullet-pocked hotel, the foreign correspondents could hear
    hundreds of women and children lamenting the fallen soldiers.

  • As the snowstorm gained in intensity, Stan lamented his decision that morning to dress in
    shorts and a T-shirt.

Lamentable (LAM en tuh bul) or (luh MEN tuh bul) means “regrettable.”

malleable (MAL ee uh bul) adj easy to shape or bend


Something   MELTABLE    is  MALLEABLE;  it  can be  RE-SHAPED.

  • Modeling clay is very malleable. So is Stuart. We can make him do whatever we want
    him to do

mediate (MEE dee ayt) v to help settle differences


In  math,   the MEDIAN  is  the MIDDLE  number  in  a   set,    so  to  MEDIATE is  to  help
two parties meet in the MIDDLE and settle a dispute.
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