SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
6 .  D The   clue    in  this    sentence    is  “superficial.”  You     may     remember    from
earlier in this chapter that superficial means “shallow” or “meaningless.” So, these
kinds of discussions would not amount to treason. Choice (D) is the answer.

Word Relationships

Set 1

1. S

2. U

3. S

4. O

5. O

6. O

7. U

8. U

9. U

10. U

Set 2

1. O

2. O

3. U

4. S

5. S

6. U

7. U

8. O

9. U

10. O

Set 3

1. S

2. S

3. O

4. S
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