SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Now It’s Your Turn

Now that you’ve learned a number of words using our mnemonics, it’s time to put your creativity
to the test by coming up with some of your own. The following is a list of words and their
definitions. Create your own special mnemonic for each one, remembering to visualize the
definition of the word. If you’re having trouble thinking of your own mnemonic, we’ve provided a
picture clue for each word to help you out. (Otherwise, feel free to ignore the clues—you’ve got
this!) Remember, mnemonics are effective when they are unique and unforgettable—the sillier,
the better!

We recommend creating flashcards for these words and including your mnemonic for each
word on the back of the card along with the definition. If you want to see our suggestions for
mnemonics for the words in this chapter, see this page.

ascertain (as ur TAYN) v to determine with certainty; to find out definitely


  • With a quick flick of his tongue, Wendell ascertained that the pie that had just landed on
    his face was indeed lemon meringue.

  • The police tried to trace the phone call, but they were unable to ascertain the exact
    location of the caller.

  • Larry believed his wife was seeing another man; the private detective ascertained that
    this was the case.

assimilate (uh SIM uh layt) v to take in; to absorb; to learn thoroughly

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