SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Chapter 8 Answer Key

New Words Drill

1. Antipodal    means   “situated   on  opposite    sides.”
2. Antithesis is an opposing idea.
3. The root auto- means “self,” so an autocrat wants to manage a country by him- or herself
(not in a democratic manner).
4. Contraband is negative, as contra- means “against.” (Contraband is something that is
illegally or unethically acquired.)
5. Contretemps is negative, as contra- means “against.” (A contretemps is an argument or
dispute; literally, “against time.”)
6. To perform a task autonomously means to do it by yourself. It is comprised of the roots
auto- and nom-.
7. To debilitate is to weaken.
8. To debunk is to prove false.
9. If a machine is defunct, it is no longer functioning.

  1. A degenerate person is morally weak or bad. (De- is a negative root.)

11. A   dejected    person  is  sad.    (De-    is  a   negative    root.)

  1. Replete means “filled up.”

  2. A magnanimous person is generous. The root magna- means “great” or “big.”

  3. A peripatetic person would travel a lot. Peri- means “around.”

  4. Post- means “after,” so posterity refers to the people who live after you.

  5. Posthumously means “after death”; the root post- means “after.”

  6. A malapropism is an improper use of a word; mal- is negative.

  7. A benign tumor is the opposite of a malignant tumor.

  8. Voc- pertains to speaking, so your vocation is your “calling.”

  9. An anthology is a collection of works, especially written works, so log- (words) is more
    helpful here. Antho- is NOT the same as anthro-.

  10. Dis- is negative, so disparate groups are dissimilar.

  11. De- is negative; all of the words (debase, decry, defame, defile, degrade, deplore, and
    deride) mean criticizing, harming, or rejecting.

  12. Amo- means “love”; being enamored with something means to be in love with it.

  13. Pugn- means “fighting” or “attacking,” while pun- is more similar to “punish.” They are both
    negative roots, but they are not identical. Impunity means “immunity from punishment.”

  14. To exonerate means to find innocent. Ex- means “outside,” so to exonerate literally means
    that the accused is being taken “outside” of blame.

  15. Exculpate is similar to the meaning of exonerate; both words literally mean to take

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