SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the influence   of  the United  States. In  this    context,    (A) does    not exactly work,   and (B)
does not make sense. Between (C) and (D), (C) is the better answer because (D)
is much too extreme.
6 . B The previous paragraph describes a “new proposal” and “a plan to
annex” Hawaii, which matches (B). Choices (C) and (D) are not supported by the
text, and there is nothing in the passage that indicates the proposal is “indecent,”
which eliminates (A).
7 . A Look at the sentence that follows noncommittal: “The molders of
public opinion seemed intent on learning what mold the public wanted.” This
suggests they did not have a strong opinion of their own. The best answer here is
therefore (A), dubious, which means “doubtful.”
8 . C Chron- means “time,” so a chronicle would keep track of events
happening in time. The correct answer is (C).
9 . A The bounty is something “paid by the United States government to
domestic sugar producers,” and Spreckels expects “profits” (line 40). Choice (C) is
close, but inducement implies force. Choice (D) is a trap, since it is an alternative
definition of bounty. The correct answer is (A).

10 . B The particles range “from protons and electrons to quarks and neutrinos,” which

suggests    that    there   are a   large   number  of  them.   The answer  is  (B).

11 . D Chess is a mental game, and the purpose of the computers is to provide artificial

“intelligence.” These   clues   should  help    you select  (D),    mental, as  the answer.

12 . D Lily sinks “with a sigh” into one of the shabby leather chairs. She then says, “What a

miserable   thing   it  is  to  be  a   woman”  and “leaned back    in  a   luxury  of  discontent.”    This
suggests a tone of self-pity, which is (D).

13 . A The tomato was introduced into world cuisines after 1492. Choices (B), (C), and (D)

are far too negative.   The answer  is  (A).

14 . C The beginning of the last sentence states, “Although a haiku can seem timeless....”

The word    although    signals a   shift   in  direction.  Therefore,  ephemeral   must    mean    the
opposite of timeless. Choice (C), short-lived, is the correct answer.

15 . B This time, the clue is within the question itself. A controversial theory is one that

would   be  debated,    (B).    Choices (C) and (D) are far too negative    and not supported
by the passage, and (A) does not make sense in context.

16 . D Use Process of Elimination. There is no evidence that the nuns are friendly, (A), or

benevolent,  (C).    They    are     definitely  not    lazy,    (B),    since   they    are     engaged     in  so
many activities. Choice (D), erudite, is the most reasonable answer, as many of
their activities are intellectual in nature.

17 . D Remember your roots! Loq- refers to speaking, and loquacious means “talking a

lot.”   Voc-    in  (B) and (C) refers  to  speaking    as  well,   but not to  an  excessive   degree.
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